Sunday, August 28, 2011

ConAgra Foods

In this week’s blog we are back to food, specifically a company that is helping to provide food to others. ConAgra Foods has teamed up with Feeding America to help provide meals to Americans. For every purchase code that is entered on ConAgra items (like Marie Calendar, Healthy Choice, Peter Pan, Chef Boyardie, and Banquet) they will donate money worth one meal to Feeding America. Now there is a catch which I just saw making this not valid for much longer. This only goes until August 31 so make sure to look and enter them soon. They are close to the 2.5 million meals that they are donating but have not yet reached it. So in the next few days when you are going to the grocery store or are just around your house, make sure you look and see if you have any ConAgra foods so you can enter them and help provide a meal for someone else. Happy eating!

Until next week,

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Locks of Love / Pantene Beautiful Lengths

When I finally sat down to do this week’s blog I was wondering what I was going to do until I saw something that sparked my memory! Many people know about this “cause” because it changes the way a person looks. I personally have donated to it twice and am working towards a third. If you haven’t already guessed, I am talking about donating your hair to Locks of Love or Pantene Beautiful Lengths. I have donated hair to both causes and feel so blessed that I am able to do so. For the males reading this, you can also grow your hair out and donate it! However, it does have to be 8 inches long for Pantene and 10 inches long for Locks of Love. Pantene Beautiful Lengths teams up with American Cancer Society to donate the wigs while Locks of Love donates the wigs to children. These are both wonderful causes and something that we can all do and does not cost anything besides giving up your hair! Happy cute hair!

Until next week,

Sunday, August 14, 2011


This week’s blog post comes to you a little late, but still within the week here! It happens to be another facebook post but its important and helping promote better health and eating for children all over. Lunchables has teamed up with Feeding America to work towards donating 1 million pounds of fruit to Feeding America. You can like their page on facebook and then once you’ve done that for every picture of a smiling face they will donate 10 lbs of fruit. This is something that’s awesome and having volunteered at a food bank often enough to see the difference fruits and vegetables make, I’m glad to see that lunchables is taking part. Not only will people be able to receive fruit, they will also be getting food that can improve their health and teach them good eating habits. So when you are having fun with your friends this week or just hanging around, take a picture and post it on the page so that others can enjoy some wonderful fruit. Happy smiles!

Until next week,

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Go to Bat

I actually just found this week’s blog today and am very excited about it. State Farm and the MLB have teamed up to donate to different non-profits/causes and they are doing so by holding a Go To Bat. You have to sign up on the website, and you can pick one of over 25 non-profits to “bat” for. You then get to play a computer batting game and your batting average goes towards the total batting average of the non-profit you chose. Every week there is a winning non-profit that gets a donation, like this past week was PSI and I believe $18,000 was donated and then there is also an overall non-profit that wins even more money at the end. In all $200,000 is being donated. It is pretty self-explanatory so I am including the website that allows you to sign up and go from there. Play ends September 25 so make sure to sign up and start playing! Happy Batting Practice!

Until next week,