Sunday, January 8, 2012

An Alarm that gives back!

I apologize for my absence the past couple weeks but I’m back! I’m excited about this week’s post especially because it can be a new year’s resolution since it is doing good! Let Give is a company that is bringing technology and giving together, today in the form of a snooze button. For all of you who have an iPhone (sorry for those of you that do not), there is now an app, called Snooze. Every time the snooze button is hit, $.25 will be donated to a charity of your choice. All you have to do is sign up for an account with Let Give, download the app and then either take a nap or use as your morning alarm. It looks as if they are in the works of creating other things like this so I will try to keep you updated on the things we use every day that may be done to help others. Happy Sleeping!

Until next week,

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