Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Box Tops For Education

As the new school year is off to a start I thought a repeat blog post was in store. Box Tops for Education is a program that has been going on for many years and is helping schools get needed money to help improve things. Box Tops can be found on Betty Crocker products, Pillsbury, Kleenex, Fruit Snakes, Cheerios, etc. They are on many items that we buy and you may not even know they are there. Each box top is worth 10 cents yet when collected and put together it adds up. If you don’t have kids than think about picking a school that is close to you or one in your community that may need help. On their website,, you can find a list of all the products that is printer friendly and all on one page. This is a great program and something that you can add to your things to remember to do! Happy New School Year!

Until next week,