Wednesday, September 19, 2012

The Cleanhouse Challenge

Sorry for my very long break from posting but I’m back! This week we are learning ways of green cleaning and while doing so earning rewards! Seventh Generation and Real Simple have teamed up to bring us the Cleanhouse Challenge. The challenge is an interactive game giving you ideas of ways to keep a greener home while exploring a virtual home and getting coupons. Seventh Generation is a great company that has been creating environmentally friendly products and packaging for years. Something that makes the game even better is that when you complete the Cleanhouse Challenge, $10 will be donated to whose mission is to build a global grassroots movement to solve the climate crisis. So this week not only will you be learning about new ways to keep your house clean and green, but also getting coupons for items and then having a donation made to help our environment solely by your playing. Check it out, you might even have a bit of fun. Happy playing!

Until next week,

For those that want to play the game that don’t have facebook:

For those that want to play the game via facebook: