Sunday, May 27, 2012

Odwalla Tree Planting Projects

This week’s post is awesome but needs to be done in the next few days, by the 31st of May to be exact. Odwalla has a contest going on right now to help our environment. Each person gets one vote and the top 10 tree planting projects with the most votes will get $10,000 to make their project happen. All of these projects have to deal with our environment and making it greener. Each project has a video attached so you can watch all the different videos and then vote for you favorite. Make sure to pay attention though because you only get to vote once. So in the next couple days when you have a few minutes hop over to the site watch a few videos and then vote for a project you want to see happen. Happy tree planting!

Until next week,

Sunday, May 13, 2012


This week we are going to help wildlife through Dawn. For every bottle of Dawn that you buy, you can enter a code that is on the back and $1 will be donated to the International Bird Rescue and The Marine Mammal Center. It doesn’t take much and you are helping make a difference. The Dawn Saves Wildlife website is being updated, however they are still taking codes and donating money. So take some time this week and if you have Dawn soap lying around go online and enter the code. Happy dish washing!

Until next week,

Sunday, May 6, 2012

Kashi Real Project

After quite a bit of searching I finally have this week’s blog post! Unfortunately for those of you that do not use Facebook you will have to sit out until next week’s post (or pester your friends who do have facebook to take part!). Kashi has teamed up with Share Our Strength Cooking Matters Colorado to help bring courses to teach low-income families across Colorado how to budget, shop for, and prepare healthy meals. For every like on the Kashi Real Project page on facebook, Kashi will donate $10 to the organization. The $10 will help provide 46 people with better access to eating right. That’s a lot of people that you are helping just by merely clicking “like”. The Kashi REAL Project features different organizations throughout the year that are working on solving the Real Food Deficit so make sure to check back and see what their next project is. The one for this week’s blog only goes until May 9 so make sure to act on this one fast so they can get as much money as possible. Happy Healthy Eating!

Until next week,