Friday, May 27, 2011

Little Acts of Kindness

In trying to decide what to blog about this week I decided to go “offline”. As summer is drawing near and it is getting hot out (at least where I live), I decided to blog about something related to that. Before you head out this summer try and remember to put an extra water bottle and/or granola bars in your car or purse so if you happen to come upon a homeless person you have something to offer them. Nine times out of ten if you offer them something to eat or drink they will graciously take it; like the man my family gave a piece of pizza to the other day because that was all we had. But if you come prepared even a single water bottle will show them that they aren’t alone and that someone cares about them. This doesn’t have to cost much and can bring great joy to many lives! So don’t forget to carry a little heavier load this summer when heading out. Happy bringing joy to others!

Until next week,

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