I’ve told you about GoodSearch
in a previous post however this week we are going to learn about GoodGames. GoodGames is a part
of GoodSearch and is an online game
site that allows its users to play for good. For every three games you play one cent is donated to the non-profit of your choice
(make sure you enter the nonprofit you
want to play for before you start playing). You can play the same game three
times or three different games; as long as you play three games a penny will be
donated! I know this doesn’t seem like much but as I’ve said multiple times,
little things add up to be a lot! Watch out though because the games are
addictive, that’s coming from experience (I’ve raised $0.64 thus far)! So this
week when you have a couple minutes head on over to GoodGames and start playing.
Happy Gaming!
Until next week,