Thursday, May 23, 2013


I’ve told you about GoodSearch in a previous post however this week we are going to learn about GoodGames. GoodGames is a part of GoodSearch and is an online game site that allows its users to play for good. For every three games you play one cent is donated to the non-profit of your choice (make sure you enter the nonprofit you want to play for before you start playing). You can play the same game three times or three different games; as long as you play three games a penny will be donated! I know this doesn’t seem like much but as I’ve said multiple times, little things add up to be a lot! Watch out though because the games are addictive, that’s coming from experience (I’ve raised $0.64 thus far)! So this week when you have a couple minutes head on over to GoodGames and start playing. Happy Gaming!

Until next week,

Sunday, May 19, 2013

Giggling for Charity

Sorry this week’s post is so late and that I missed last week. I will be better and post during the week this coming week. Clorox Green Works is donating $20,000 to the Environmental Media Association’s school garden program (EMA) yet to get to $20,000 they need our help. Green Works has pledged to donate $15,000 to EMA and the remaining $5,000 is up to Twitter users and jokes. For every joke tweeted with the hashtag #gigglingdaisies, Green Works will donate $1 to EMA. This only goes until May 31st so you need to act fast! EMA supports gardens and greenery in urban schools in Los Angeles. I apologize for my followers that are not twitter users, I will be back next week with something you can partake in. Happy Joke Telling!

Until next week,

Thursday, May 2, 2013


To be honest I thought I had already blogged about Recyclebank however in looking back it looks like they have not gotten their own blog. Recylebank is a great company that is getting people to recycle, learn about recycling, and also other green and environmentally friendly things by awarding points. There are certain areas of the country in which you can be rewarded for merely using your recycling can. For people like me though that are not in one of those areas I go online to their site and am awarded points by participating in the different learning activities that they have. I find them quite fun, educational and very interesting. As with many of the other sites like this, there are many rewards (gift cards, discounts, etc) however you can also donate your points to go towards different non-profits that have an environmental focus. So sometime this week go ahead and sign up at recyclebank and start earning points! Happy recycling!

Until next week,