Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Fair Trade

I apologize for my absence however I went back to school and am finding that I don’t have nearly as much time as I used to! I am still going to post but it won’t be as frequently. So be sure to check back every once in awhile! October is fair trade month and Fair Trade USA (Fair Trade Certified) has an awesome site that you can visit to learn more about fair trade as well as many other things. You can take a quiz to find out how fair you are and then after taking it you can enter into a contest for awesome fair trade items. They also have a section that shares fair trade companies with you for different products. I personally think fair trade is a wonderful and ecological thing to do so if you feel like you don’t know much make sure to check it out. If you are a fair trade expert than still take a look and at least take the quiz. So this week when you have a few minutes check out the “be fair” website and see what fair trade is all about. Happy ecologically shopping!

Until next time,

Tuesday, August 6, 2013

Dairy Queen

I think this week’s post is especially a good one because it’s an excuse to get yourself a little treat! This Thursday, August 8, Dairy Queen stores across the nation will be celebrating Miracle Treat Day! Dairy Queen will donate at least $1 to Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals for every Blizzard Treat purchased on Thursday. The donation will not be made if it is on discounted offers so make sure you are not getting a discount for this one day! How awesome is that to have an excuse to get an ice cream treat! So, if you want a break from the heat or are just in the mood for some ice cream, head on over to Dairy Queen Thursday and get a blizzard. Happy eating!

Until next time,

Wednesday, July 31, 2013


I personally really like this week’s blog post and use the app myself quite often. CheckPoints is an app that can be downloaded for both Iphone and Android. When you go shopping open up the app and scan items for points and coins. The points can be used towards rewards and you use the coins to play games that will get you more points. They have all sorts of rewards like gift cards, air miles, a Wii system, etc. however they also have a section in which you can donate your points. They have partnered with many organizations, like Kiva, American Red Cross, The Humane Society, and Democracy Matters, and when you get enough points you can donate your points to one, or many, of the organizations that you want to support. I enjoy the app because they have things that I can scan at many of the stores I go to and even though I’m not buying the items it’s still easy to find, scan them and get more points. So this week when you are headed out to go grocery shopping, spend a minute beforehand and download the app so you can start scanning items for points! Happy scanning!

Until next time,

Friday, July 19, 2013

Half the Sky Movement: The Game

I have a feeling many of you reading this blog have heard of the book “Half the Sky” or have watched the PBS documentary tied with the book. Well they also created a game to go along with the book and movie called “Half the Sky Movement: The Game” that can be played on Facebook. It is actually a pretty fun game to play plus while playing you are learning about how others live and the challenges they face. You complete quests, daily tasks, jobs, etc and while doing so you learn how they don’t just magically get done. You see how much stuff costs and how long it takes you to earn that money plus how many different things you have to do to be able to get the money. It’s a fun and educational game. So this week when you’re feeling like you’re bored or just have a few minutes head on over to Facebook and start playing the Half the Sky Movement Game. Happy Playing!

Until next time,

Friday, July 5, 2013


This week’s entry does cost money however I’m doing it in honor of the United State’s birthday! Target has teamed up with Feed to sell products that will help feed people across America. The products are really cool, patriotic looking and range in price from $7 and up. There is everything from lunch bags, bike helmets, reusable bags and clothing. The Feed products in general are really cool and how awesome is it that you help feed others with your purchase. The amount of meals you donate depends on what you buy but it ranges from 10 meals donated and up. I really like their partnership with target though in part because it offers Feed products at a lower price. So this week when you are feeling like you need a little more red, white, and blue around head on over to target and check out what Feed products they have.

Until next time,

Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Kellogg's Family Rewards Program

This week’s blog features a company that, like coca cola, has a rewards program and allows you to donate your points. Kellogg’s has created the Kellogg’s Family Rewards program which allows you to get points from specially marked packages. When you purchase a Kellogg’s item, whether it is cereal, crackers, nutria-grain bars, etc. you will find a code on the inside of the box that you can then enter online or via your mobile phone. It’s really easy to start an account and the only e-mails you receive are ones with coupons and different things the program is offering. There are tons of rewards however there is one in particular in which you donate your points to plant a tree with treecycler. I have a feeling that many of you reading this buy some type of Kellogg product so this week when you have a couple minutes head over to the Kellogg’s Family Rewards Program, create an account and start earning points. Happy point earning!

Until next time,