I apologize for my absence however I went back to school and
am finding that I don’t have nearly as much time as I used to! I am still going
to post but it won’t be as frequently. So be sure to check back every once in
awhile! October is fair trade month and Fair Trade USA (Fair Trade Certified)
has an awesome site that you can visit to learn more about fair trade as well
as many other things. You can take a quiz to find out how fair you are and then
after taking it you can enter into a contest for awesome fair trade items. They
also have a section that shares fair trade companies with you for different
products. I personally think fair trade is a wonderful and ecological thing to
do so if you feel like you don’t know much make sure to check it out. If you
are a fair trade expert than still take a look and at least take the quiz. So
this week when you have a few minutes check out the “be fair” website and see
what fair trade is all about. Happy ecologically shopping!
Until next time,