Monday, June 18, 2012

100 Cars for Good

This, well last weeks, blog post is helping a lot of people. Unfortunately it is another Facebook one so those who don’t have Facebook I apologize. Toyota is giving away 100 cars to nonprofits every day for 100 days. From now until August 21st you can visit every day to vote for one of five nonprofits that you feel deserves a new car. At the end of each day, Toyota will give a new car to the organization with the most votes. Each organization has a video, an explanation, and why they need the car so you can make a thoughtful decision on who you want to vote for. So this week when you are spending some time on Facebook make sure to head over to the 100 cars for good page and vote for the organization of your choice. Happy voting!

Until next week,

Monday, June 11, 2012

Activating Empathy with Changemakers

Sorry for not posting last night however I’m making it up and posting tonight for last week! The only thing is you have to act fast. has an activating empathy competition going on right now, well until tomorrow at 5 pm. They have 15 finalists and you get to vote for the project that you want to see win the people’s choice prize which is $5,000. They will ask for your e-mail but you can opt out of getting e-mail updates. There are projects from San Francisco to Beijing so try and hop on either tonight or tomorrow morning, check out the projects and vote for the one you want to win $5,000. Happy Voting!

Until next week (or later this week!),

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Red and Checking-in on Four Square

This week’s blog post cannot be done by all of my readers, including myself, however it is important enough for me to post it! From now until June 10 every check-in on Foursquare at Starbucks and select retailers of Penfolds and Bugaboo will trigger a donation from these (Red) partners to help fight AIDS. For every check-in $1 will be donated. So this coming week when you are grabbing a cup of coffee or just going to chill at your local Starbucks make sure to check-in on foursquare, if you have it, to help in the fight against AIDS. Happy checking-in!

Until next week,

PS: For those of you who do not have Foursquare, check out the other ways donations are being made.